How many times have you looked at your baby and wondered why they feel fussy or start crying?  

Like most parents, it will take a long time before your baby can communicate with you  whether they are thirsty, hungry, hurt or want your hugs. 

But what if we tell you that there is a way that babies can communicate with you even without talking? This will not only make your life easier but will help strengthen your bond with your child from an early age. 

Teaching your baby to communicate through sign languages is not only fun but will allow them to tell you when they are hungry, need to change, feel too hot or cold or want something more. 

Let’s talk about the actual importance of teaching your baby sign language:-

1- By using sign language, babies as young as six months old, can communicate their needs to you instead of crying. 

This will ensure you won’t feel helpless trying to guess why your baby is crying. 

2- Sign language will help your baby bond better with you. They will feel empowered and understood. 

You will never forget the look on her face when she signs and her face begins to light up as she realises that you understand what she is trying to communicate. 

She can show you if she feels excited or wants you to kiss her tummy more. She can show how excited she is when she gets a new toy or spots a bird in the garden. 

3- Learning baby sign languages helps to boost your baby’s brain development. This will ensure they can speak earlier, have a larger vocabulary and achieve better grades in school.

This will allow teachers to know which child can sign and communicate with them. 

4- It helps to cut down the tantrums or frustration that is caused when a child is unable to convey his or her needs to you. 

By using sign languages, they can easily convert what they want and you can respond immediately.

5- You don’t have to put special time aside to teach your babies sign languages. It’s easy and fun and you can teach them from the get-go. 

The key here is being persistent and consistent throughout the day. Whenever you hold a carton of milk, do the sign of milk. Whenever you are eating and they are sitting next to you on the table, do the sign for eating. They will try to imitate you and eventually learn. 

6- Whenever you teach them signs, you can even repeat those words aloud allowing your kids to understand the word better through actions. 

Like teaching to sign “food” and saying the word “food” aloud is necessary for them to learn and understand properly. 

7- Never be discouraged if your baby takes some time to learn the sign languages.

It is completely normal and it will take some time for them to get the hang of it. You will probably have to repeatedly demonstrate for a few weeks before they understand and pick it up. 

8- Start with just a few signs first and start with the signs that are the most useful like “eat” , “sleep” , “hug” , “water”. 

Say the words aloud along with the action so it will be easy for them to remember.

9- Don’t sign off too quickly or else your child will find it confusing. 

When you teach them the sign to “sleep” make the sign several times and repeat the process twice so their little brain and comprehend and understand properly.

10- Your child with the gift of sign languages is going to cry less and can communicate what they want with you better. 

There is going to be a shift in their moods when you can understand them immediately which will help cement your bond with them. 


As your toddler learns to sign, they are quickly going to pick up signs for things that interest them around the house or in your neighbourhood. Just make sure you respond to them quickly as well to avoid them getting frustrated. 

Your baby will find it much easier to develop verbal language skills as well. 

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